In 2023, the first International Workshop took place. For ten days in June 8th-18th, 16 artists from five different countries worked together in south-eastern Öland. The theme was Landmark. The site offered materials such as rough timber and sawn planks of elm and ash as well as equipment for processing.

The laboratory is our workshop model. The idea is that the work should be exploratory and provide the opportunity to test new forms and expressions, that it is experiments we work with, that we laboratory. We live and eat together in Näsby, the village where we work. During the concentrated days together, a positive force and a trust is created that provides great artistic freedom. After completing the work, we hold a seminar. This year we had four speakers and a tour and presentation of the different objects. Seminar programme 17 June 2023.

This year's results are presented in an exhibition in Grönhögen on south-west Öland. The site is located south of the harbour just along the waterfront in one of Mörbylånga municipality's green areas. The exhibition was inaugurated a week after the laboratory sessions ended.